I'm Laura

I help nutrition entrepreneurs grow their income and their impact by packaging their brilliance into transformative coaching and consulting programs, and get crystal clear on their marketing strategy.

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Laura Schoenfeld – Official Bio

Laura Schoenfeld, a Registered Dietitian with a Master’s degree in Public Health, is an esteemed business coach who specializes in helping health and wellness entrepreneurs create scalable online businesses. Her passion for integrative nutrition and women’s health, combined with her entrepreneurial acumen, has enabled her to run her own multi-six-figure consulting business successfully for over a decade.

Since 2019, she has been leveraging her extensive experience and knowledge to mentor other business owners. She takes great pride in her diverse client list of over 300 virtual wellness entrepreneurs, whom she has supported in launching, growing, and scaling their own successful online businesses, primarily through her flagship program, The Nutrition Business Accelerator®.

Laura’s approach stands out due to her commitment to assisting entrepreneurs in creating and managing sustainable, scalable signature programs. Her methodology, especially for creating high-ticket group programs, promotes not only financial abundance and operational efficiency in her clients’ online businesses but also supports their personal well-being while amplifying the impact on their clients’ health. Laura advocates a balanced business strategy that encompasses the entrepreneur as a whole, not just their financial performance. Through her teaching, coaching, and mentoring, she empowers her clients to step into the CEO role and create an online business that nourishes their offline life.

She has contributed to Today’s Dietitian Magazine, Prevention Magazine, Reader’s Digest, MindBodyGreen, and Experience Life Magazine. She has been featured as a guest on The Mind Your Business PodcastFitBizU, The Faith Forward Online Business Podcast, Next Level Nutrition Biz Podcast, Build A Better Wellness Biz Podcast, The Bottom Line by Evolved Finance Podcast, and many more.


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free guide

Profit Planning Workbook

Struggling to figure out what to charge for your services? Stop charging what you're "worth"... and start charging prices that reflect the results your clients can get and the financial goals you have as an expert entrepreneur!


Find Your Profitable Niche 

In this virtual workshop, I’ll show you the exact steps for defining your profitable coaching niche so you can stand out in a crowded market and get paying clients more easily.

Grab this!

50+ Tech Tools To Help You Run Your Online Nutrition Business

Not sure what tech to use to get your business off the ground? Still trying to ducktape your business together after months (or years) of running it?

Get my list of the best free and paid tech tools to help you run your online nutrition business smoothly and efficiently, so you can focus on what you really love to do... helping your clients get healthier!

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Get the clarity and confidence you need to turn your expertise and passion for coaching into a wildly successful online business.


© 2023 Laura Schoenfeld Coaching
All rights reserved. | Terms and Conditions 

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