
How To Create Offers That Are in Line With Your Identity

values and identity in business
I'm Laura

I help coaches and practitioners grow their income and impact by packaging their brilliance into a transformative signature program, learning how to sell with integrity, and developing a strategic visibility plan.

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If you’re a nutritionist or dietitian, or really any type of wellness professional, I know for a fact there are people out there who need your version of help, your wisdom, and your experience.

Instead of operating out of fear of failure or rejection, stepping into who you are and what you believe in will help get your message in front of the right people and create offers that are fully aligned with your vision.

why Women in Business Need A Niche

As an expert in women’s health, I’m particularly passionate about helping women create nutrition businesses that not only help other people get healthy but also assisting them in creating the type of lifestyle that works better for women’s physiology.

To do that, you need to be able to attract ideal clients more easily and serve them in an effective way so that you can make more money in less time, and have the impact you desire without having to work non-stop.

And being open about what you believe in, even if there is pushback, is the only true way to communicate to your niche and find your secret sauce to scaling your business and making more money.

I talk all about infusing your VALUES and your identity into your wellness business on this episode of Build a Better Wellness Business with Jeremy Enns.

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Why You Need to solve A Specific Problem In Your Business

Often nutrition business owners get hung up on creating a business that can help everyone. But in reality, when you are trying to sell to everyone, you end up selling to no one.

Who you are helping and what problem you are solving are two very different things. You need to be clear about both of those elements of your niche to be successful in the long run.

Defining a specific problem that you are helping solve is one of the best ways to get in front of your target audience.

By focusing on a specific solution that you are offering, instead of just a nutrition philosophy, you can get your offer in front of the right people who are going to resonate with you.

Once you have the problem you are solving locked down, you can start injecting your identity, beliefs, and core values into your offering.

While you may get some pushback for standing up for what you believe in, if you aren’t true to yourself you are only hurting your clients and the level of growth your identity could be having on your success.

values in business

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4 Steps To Embodying Your Values and identity in Your Business

In this episode of Build A Better Wellness Business, we cover the four steps to more fully embodying your values in your business:

  1. Get clear on what your personal and professional beliefs, principles, identity, and core values are, and how they show up in your work.
  2. Be clear in your marketing, messaging, and product delivery about your stated values.
  3. Stand firm in your values even when you face push back. Remember, you can’t please everyone.
  4. Double down on the people who are aligned with you and your values. These are the people you can serve best.

How are you working to create offers that not only make you money but truly align with your identity as well?


Here are some of the top quotes from the episode:

“I just feel like the future of health businesses is ‘what’s the problem that you solve and who you solve it for’, and not focusing on a particular methodology as the solution.” (15:43)

“If you feel very strongly that there is an element of who you are, what your core values are, what your beliefs are, that actually makes a big difference in the way you serve your clients, its something you actually should be talking about even if it’s going to turn some people off. Because you are actually not going to be as effective in the work that you do and you are not going to attract the kind of audience that will want to work with you no matter what you are offering.” (19:53)

“On paper, the execution was flawless. I did everything that needed to be done, and followed the system to a T, and could not understand why it had bombed.” (38:03)

“I get it, it’s hard, and I am telling you that if you don’t pick the problem that you are solving, it is going to totally… I don’t want to say ruin your business. If you never do it, it might ruin your business, if you take a really long time to do it it’s just going to make it so that it takes you way longer to be successful.” (49:57)

“I had the ‘who’ and the ‘why’. The who is who I help, and the why was why me. But I didn’t have the ‘what’ or the ‘how’. So even though I thought it was niche, it was not niched to a place that it needed to be to be a financial success.” (52:37)

“The cool thing about entrepreneurship is you can create whatever you want. You can be as successful as you want, you can work as hard as you want, or not as hard as you want, you can create whatever you want. And I think it is really exciting.” (1:01:13)

I think you’ll really enjoy the conversation I had with Jeremy, as I open up about a lot of personal stuff, including what I learned from my biggest business failure to date.

==>> Click HERE to listen to the episode.

I hope you get a ton of value from it!

And after you listen, leave a comment below and let me know what you thought about the episode.


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I'm a women's health expert and a registered dietitian (RD) with a passion for helping goal-oriented people fuel their purpose.

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I'm on a mission to help health business owners drop the hustle and come into alignment with their ideal business goals, so they can work from a sense of ease and abundance, and build the online business of their dreams. 

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