Have you ever compared yourself to someone else online and felt less than? Keep reading to learn how to stop comparing yourself to other nutrition entrepreneurs while you grow your nutrition business!
I’ve shared before my concerns about how social media is affecting us and how it leads to a lot of negative effects in our lives. This is especially true if you own a nutrition business and you’re trying to build your audience using social media.
One of those challenges is that social media can easily lead to what I call “comparison-itis”.
When you have comparison-itis, it not only affects how you view yourself but also how you view running a business… especially a nutrition business.
Comparisonitis, also referred to as “imposter syndrome”, is one of the biggest stumbling blocks I see my Nutrition Business Accelerator clients running into. And while they’re typically able to overcome this thanks to the support of me, my team, and the NBA community, it can be something that makes or breaks a person’s success when trying to start, grow, or scale a profitable online nutrition business.
That’s why it’s so important to learn how to stop comparing yourself to others and start focusing on becoming the best version of you that you can be!
Symptoms of “Comparisonitis”
- Low self-esteem or confidence
- Envy when seeing other nutrition businesses thrive
- Struggling to press “publish”
- Feeling like you have nothing to contribute
- Wishing you looked better on camera
- Feeling threatened by another nutritionist’s success
- Believing the market is too crowded for you to be successful
- Avoiding relationship building with colleagues
No, you don’t need to go to the doctor for this!
But you DO need a healthy dose of reframing of those limiting beliefs holding you back from the success and enjoyment you desire in your business.
The worst part about comparison-itis is that it’s the complete opposite of another one of my company’s (and personal) core values: Community.
When we prioritize community, we focus on healthy relationships. Whether that’s within our working relationships with others, with our business, our families, our clients, and also with ourselves.
And having healthy relationships with others in our online business community is so important for growing a sustainable, enjoyable, and thriving nutrition business.
But when we compare ourselves to others, it causes us to see other nutrition and dietitian business owners as a threat. We obsess over what our competitors are doing, and question if we have what it takes to be successful. Sometimes we even ask, “why bother?” if we see someone else becoming successful in our chosen niche.
That’s why we have to do whatever we can to eliminate comparison from our mindset when growing a healthy, sustainable nutrition business.
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How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Other Nutritionists
So today, I want to give you a couple of reminders to avoid the comparison-itis.
First, getting really clear on who you serve and how you serve them uniquely is critical to your success.
When you look at what other experts are doing online, you’re taking the focus off of who you are serving, which doesn’t help anyone.
But when you are crystal clear about who you are serving, the process you are guiding them through, and the way you do things in a unique way…
You’ll quickly see how you stand out and stand apart from others in the nutrition field.
Community Over Competition
Another part of this core value of Community is my belief in community over competition.
I love collaborating with other business owners and creating relationships with entrepreneurs that allow us both to thrive. We need to stop thinking about business as a dog-eat-dog world and realize that we truly are better together.
When we realize that community is essential for a thriving business and that we have something unique to offer the world, it’s easier to turn off the noise from social media (and everything else going on) and be laser-focused on what we do.
We can look for ways to be collaborative rather than competitive. And we’re always looking to see what will be in greater service to our clients. (Because that’s really all that matters!)
When we can stand out as a unique service provider, and we have friends in the industry who solve a similar problem in a different way, we can refer potential clients to each other when we think our colleague will be a better fit. So many of my mastermind clients have grown their business substantially thanks to healthy collaboration and referrals from other nutritionists in their industry.
The more you’re willing to connect and collaborate with your peers, the better your reputation will be in the online nutrition space and the more your business will grow and succeed. The first step is to stop comparing and start connecting!

A few of my incredible community-minded mastermind clients!
Know Your Values
My second bit of advice is to return to your core values and to your mission when you feel the comparisons creep up.
I know you want to make a big impact on the world. And the way you do it is unique to you. You are the only one who does it just the way you do. No one else is like you.
I know it can be hard to believe it sometimes, but it’s true! You have something special to offer the world that only you can give.
By getting crystal clear on your company’s core values, you can return to the focus on what you’re here to do in the world, and how you’re uniquely qualified to serve others. And you can do so in a way that is aligned with your integrity, which allows you to truly enjoy the work you do while making a difference in others’ lives.
So, do you have any strategies you use to stop comparing yourself to others and focus on what makes you unique in your nutrition business?
Share a comment below or DM me on Instagram and let me know. I’d love to continue the conversation with you and build this awesome community of nutrition entrepreneurs together.
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