Overcoming Undereating

I'm Laura

I help coaches and practitioners grow their income and impact by packaging their brilliance into a transformative signature program, learning how to sell with integrity, and developing a strategic visibility plan.

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This guide will help you overcome what I’ve seen time and time again in my clients, and what I know many of you who have decided to switch to a real food diet are facing…

Undereating on a real food diet!

In this eBook you’ll learn:
— Why the topic of undereating is so important
— How to know if you’re at risk for undereating
— Some common signs and symptoms of undereating
— Three steps to help you start eating enough
— Three major mindset shifts to make this way of eating a lifestyle


So you switched to a real food, “Paleo” diet. Maybe it was because you wanted to get in better shape, or you thought it might help you manage your autoimmune disease, or just because you wanted to see what all the hype was around this “caveman diet.”

But now that you’ve cut out all grains, legumes, and dairy (ok, most dairy… butter is hard to let go of, I know!)

You’re feeling worse than you did before.

You’re now wondering if all these veggies and high quality fats and meats just aren’t for you, and if your body actually prefers those processed grains and sugars.

But before you give up on this real food lifestyle, let’s explore a big possibility for the reason your health is tanking on this “healthy” diet. What’s that, you ask?

Unintentional undereating.

Yep, it’s a real issue… and one that many women I work with are struggling with.

You might not be eating enough to supply your body with the fuel it needs to perform even its most basic functions, let alone support your busy lifestyle.

When you cut out all those grains, sugars, and processed foods you let go of a lot of calories. These calories can be difficult to recover using real food, unless you are very mindful about how much you are eating at each and every meal.

And that’s where this guide comes in.

I created this eBook as a simple roadmap for you. This guide will help you overcome what I’ve seen time and time again in my clients, and what I know many of you who have decided to switch to a real food diet are facing…

Undereating on a real food diet!

In this eBook you’ll learn:
— Why the topic of undereating is so important
— How to know if you’re at risk for undereating
— Some common signs and symptoms of undereating
— Three steps to help you start eating enough
— Three major mindset shifts to make this way of eating a lifestyle

So, are you ready to overcome undereating? Let’s get started!

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I'm a women's health expert and a registered dietitian (RD) with a passion for helping goal-oriented people fuel their purpose.

I help coaches and practitioners grow their income and their impact by packaging their brilliance into transformative coaching and consulting programs, and get crystal clear on their marketing strategy.

I'm on a mission to help health business owners drop the hustle and come into alignment with their ideal business goals, so they can work from a sense of ease and abundance, and build the online business of their dreams. 

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