
Building Resilience through Chronic Illness with Allyn Amerongen – The Fed and Fearless Podcast Episode 50

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It may sound hard to believe, but chronic pain and illness can actually become your superpower. With the right mindset, it can lead to more enjoyment and resilience in life than you might otherwise have. Today’s guest learned this lesson herself and is on a mission to share it with others.



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About Allyn Amerongen

Allyn Amerongen is an Oregon native whose history of chronic pain and illness has shaped her beliefs, actions, and most importantly, her mindset. As an active member in the personal development community, Allyn utilizes her unique toolkit to work with clients and help them achieve the life they envision for themselves.


Having the Attitude to Overcome Pain

Aside from the illness itself, dealing with its emotional toll is demanding. Having done it herself, Allyn helps others focus on joy when all else seems bleak. When you prioritize thinking about what you can do, instead of what you can’t, you’ll realize the true heights of your capabilities.


Fear and Faith in a Journey of Healing

Even if you’re not dealing with a chronic illness, Allyn has lessons that apply to everyone. She understands fear. She also understands how it limits potential like nothing else. Being afraid to look bad, or to fail, or to disappoint, prevents many from even starting. Allyn has come to know that just trying can be counted as a success.

The fact of the matter is that you are not defined by your illness. Taking the time to do what you need spiritually and emotionally will reinforce that idea. It’s a reminder that you can still live on your own terms.

Has chronic illness forced you to shift your mindset? Tell me about it in the comments below! 


Got a question you’d love to hear me answer on the show? Leave me a voice message here!



  • Lessons learned from a lifetime of chronic pain [3:33]
  • Mindset adjustments to create a joyful life amidst pain [8:45]
  • The most important mindset changes to make when confronted with a life of pain [11:20]
  • How adversity leads to resiliency and perspective [15:10]
  • Overcoming fear in order to pursue your true goals [19:45]
  • Taking control of your life back from a chronic illness with mindset and breathing [25:00]
  • The role of faith in a journey of healing [32:10]


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“If anyone is going through a chronic illness, it’s going to shape you in some way, shape, or form. When you’re going through it at a younger age as well, you’re trying to figure out who you are as a person.” [6:06]

“The perspective that you carry will dictate the success in treating the illness, but also the level of happiness and joy that you have in your life.” [10:48]

“I felt all the puzzle pieces coming together and it totally was making sense to me why I had gone through this and was going through this.” [37:29]



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Allyn’s Freebie: My 5 Steps to Mindset Mastery

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