
Do You Believe You’re Worth It?

I'm Laura

I help coaches and practitioners grow their income and impact by packaging their brilliance into a transformative signature program, learning how to sell with integrity, and developing a strategic visibility plan.

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I’ve been talking to a lot of women lately who are afraid to spend money on themselves. Whether it’s $100 or $1000, they can’t imagine spending that much money on something that’s just for them.

Deep down, they don’t believe that they’re worth it.

So I decided that in order to help you understand the value of investing in yourself, I’ll share with you what I personally invest in myself.

As of today, I spend $2349 per month on my own personal development.

That’s $530 per month on personal training/gym memberships and $1819 per month on various business coaching and training groups.

I’ve spent even more than this in the past.

Why am I telling you this?

Because it’s taken me years to recognize and believe that I am worth investing in.

Listen. I didn’t just wake up and start spending almost $2400 per month on myself and my personal development.

It all started with a $2000 investment in a business training program (and trust me, I was SO nervous to spend that at the time!)

Next it was hiring a personal trainer to start taking my physical fitness more seriously.

Over time, it’s grown to the number I shared above. And I’m sure in 5 years from now, I’ll be spending even more than that on becoming the best version of myself.

Because I believe investing in myself helps me become the person I want to be. It helps me serve my clients better, love my husband better, feel more confident in my daily life, and believe that I can tackle big challenges and accomplish my highest goals.

Investing in myself helps me serve my community (that’s you!) at the highest level possible. It gives me confidence to speak life and wisdom into YOUR life and share the amazing information and insight I’ve learned from my investments with you all.

AND I want you to know that YOU TOO are worth investing in.

Deciding to invest in yourself means you’re deciding to take your personal growth seriously.

It’s saying “I am worthy of this transformation and I’m willing to prioritize myself and my personal development.”

And if you’re Christian, I believe that investing in yourself and your personal development is telling God that you’re ready to receive His blessings and trust Him with your finances.

I can attest to the fact that investing hundreds (and now thousands) of dollars per month on my education, growth, and self development has provided me incredible opportunities to reach more women just like you with my message of healthy self care and unshakeable self worth.

And it’s also rippled out into my personal life. I’m a better wife, a better friend, a better coach due to the fact that I’ve taken my self development seriously.

I still have lots to learn in those areas, but it’s by investing in myself that I am able to grow and develop the way I want to.

And I truly believe you too can experience incredible growth and transformation when you decide you’re worth investing in.

Now, you might be thinking… why should I invest in my self development when I can find resources online for free?

Let me ask you something.

You wouldn’t try to renovate your kitchen with a free eBook, right?

And I hope you wouldn’t listen to a free podcast to become an expert in a new field so you can change your career path?

Or drive for days across the country to experience an awesome new city when you could pay to fly and get there in just a few hours?

No way. You’d pay for the proper experts to help you renovate your home. You’d invest in the education to prepare you for that career change. You buy the plane ticket so you can get to your destination faster and easier and more painlessly!

Your health and personal development should be seen exactly the same!

I deeply desire YOU to see the value in yourself and see the possibility and potential of “future you” after investing in your own transformation. (Hence why I’ve published this potentially controversial post!)

 if you’re ready to take the next step towards radically transforming your physical health, the way you see yourself in the mirror, the way you talk to yourself, and the vision you have for your life and the way you impact others…

And if you’re ready to finally take the leap and invest in your “future self”…

Then I have an exciting opportunity for you.

I’d love to meet with you for a Functional Nutrition Strategy Session.

We’ll talk about way more than just nutrition and fitness. I know there’s way more to self care than just eating the right diet.

But the fact is we need to make sure you’re taking care of yourself physically so that you have the mental and physical capacity to start pursuing your bigger dreams and goals.

It’s a $147 investment, and it could be the first step you take in truly valuing your health – physical, mental, and spiritual – and investing in your personal growth and future possibility.

On this call, we’ll come up with a solid game plan that suits your individual health and wellness needs and gives you the right path to take to reach your goals quickly and confidently.

You’ll leave this session with complete clarity about how to achieve your personal health goals and transform your mindset around your body and your self image.

Click here to book your session!

I know this particular opportunity isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay.

There are plenty of ways you can start investing in yourself, even if it’s a $12 per month manicure, or a $50 per month massage. Or a $4 matcha latte at the local tea shop. Start small if you need to!

But no matter what your personal finances look like, I hope I’ve inspired you to take action and truly start valuing yourself and your health and happiness as something worth investing in.

Because I believe YOU are worth investing in.

If you’re ready to get my help to figure out your best next steps for reaching your health goals quickly and confidently, click here to book your call.

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Your friend and coach,

Laura Schoenfeld

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I'm a women's health expert and a registered dietitian (RD) with a passion for helping goal-oriented people fuel their purpose.

I help coaches and practitioners grow their income and their impact by packaging their brilliance into transformative coaching and consulting programs, and get crystal clear on their marketing strategy.

I'm on a mission to help health business owners drop the hustle and come into alignment with their ideal business goals, so they can work from a sense of ease and abundance, and build the online business of their dreams. 

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