You deserve to take your dreams of future motherhood back.
The most frustrating and upsetting part?
So many of these supposedly “infertile” women are making simple (but crucial!) mistakes that are preventing them from menstruating and ultimately keeping them from their dreams of motherhood.
Cassie* is one of my clients who had gone to doctor after doctor for help getting pregnant, and had found no answers to her hypothalamic amenorrhea, which she had had for years at that point.
The thought of her and her partner being unable to start a family was unbearable to her.
She was devastated thinking she might never become a mother.
She thought her body was broken.
Cassie was one of those women who thought her body was broken.
But it wasn’t… not at all!
She was just making the all-too-common mistake of under-eating and overexercising…. and she didn’t trust herself to be able to overcome this problem on her own.
The good news? Cassie got her period back AND got pregnant within one month of working together. One flippin’ MONTH!
Honestly, even I was a little surprised how fast her period came back, after doctors basically told her there was nothing she could do to fix her amenorrhea.
(Though of course I wasn’t surprised at all that she was able to get her period back using my 4R protocol!)
Here’s what Cassie had to say about her struggle, and what happened when she was finally able to make big, life-changing adjustments to her diet and exercise routine.

Cassie’s Story
Only after I had it removed when my partner and I decided we wanted to start trying for a family did I realize that that this was not the case. As you can imagine and as I’m sure many of you know all too well, the heartbreaking thought of not be able to bear children was devastating.
Doctor after doctor, test after test, I found myself at a loss for the root cause.
I found Laura’s podcast and immediately realized she understood very well the symptoms I had been experiencing. The recommendations learned through the podcast helped me to guide my doctors towards the appropriate lab work to confirm the issue. I started following her advice to the best of my ability immediately.
My undereating, disordered eating, and over-exercising needed to stop if I wanted any chance at having a child. Sounds simple enough, right? Stop exercising and eat more!
I discovered, however, that I had no idea how to do this and trust myself to make the right decisions for my body. I was eating more, but still being restrictive and only eating so much more of very certain things.
I exercised less, but as a marathoner, my version of “less” still wasn’t in line with the nutrition I was providing for my body. I decided to enlist Laura’s help.
Working with Laura allowed me to let go of the reigns and hand them to someone I could trust. I let her guide me and she was able to ease me comfortably back to a healthy, functioning body. I learned what was right for me, retrained my mind on those formerly “off-limits” foods, and now have a well-balanced approach to nutrition and exercise.
It is still somewhat surreal to me thinking back to where I was and how far I’ve come, but I am happy to report that I am now fully recovered. I regained my period and have been truly blessed – I am currently six months pregnant with a little baby girl!” – Cassie

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- Are you about to give up on your dreams of ever starting a family, now or in the future?
- Are you scared to even think about the possibility that you may never be able to have children if you can’t get your period back?
- Are you ready to just take the dang birth control pill and figure out this amenorrhea issue in a few years once you’re hoping to get pregnant?
Here’s the thing. You don’t HAVE to postpone – or give up on – your dreams of starting a family, either now or in the distant future.
But you DO need to make some changes in how you’re eating and living so that you can one day have the little boy or little girl you’ve always dreamt about.
Cassie thought her dreams of being a mother were over. And yet all it took was ONE MONTH of her changing her diet and lifestyle to not only get her period back, but to get pregnant too!
You Can Get Your Period Back Too
Stories like this are why I created Get Your Period Back.
You deserve to take your dreams of future motherhood back.
And even if you don’t want to become a mother, you deserve to live out any of your future dreams with a healthy body.
This is my mission in life: to help other women live the life of their dreams, without their diet or their lifestyle choices holding them back.
And I believe Get Your Period Back will help you do just that.
But on Monday July 16th at 11:59 PM EST, our doors close until next year. So you have until then to take advantage of this offer.
1) Take action now
Click here to join my 6-week Get Your Period Back group coaching program today
If it doesn’t provide the content or the quality you expected, email me within 60 days and I will refund the purchase price, no questions asked.
2) Don’t do anything today, but you won’t be able to join Get Your Period Back for at least 6 months or more.
It’s time to make a decision.
Are you prepared to do what it takes, to implement the evidence-based protocol that will heal your body, repair your hormones, and help you finally get your period back for good… without synthetic birth control or other risky medical interventions?
If you’re ready to invest in yourself, and believe in your body’s ability to heal itself, don’t wait for that magical day in the future.
Don’t wait for some day when your body just “figures it out” without you having to make any changes — that day will never come.
You have the proof that Get Your Period Back works. You’ve seen results from women getting off the Pill, women who were told they were infertile, women who discovered deeper issues at the root of their missing period… dozens of women just like you.
If you’re not ready now, when will you be? As they say: They best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.
The decision is yours to make.
What will you decide?
If you’re ready, I invite you to join me and start your period recovery journey today.
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