
Healing Your Child’s Skin Rashes with Jennifer Brand – The Fed and Fearless Podcast Episode 117

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It’s easy to blame yourself when your child keeps getting skin rashes. But it’s not your fault. It’s just that there’s a lot of factors that we simply aren’t made aware of. That’s why I’ve brought on a guest to tell us what we need to know. If you’re a parent or know a child who gets rashes, this is an important episode for you.



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About Jennifer Brand

Jennifer Brand, MPH (Master’s degree in public health), MS (Master’s degree in nutrition), CNS (Certified Nutrition Specialist) is an integrative and clinical nutritionist and the CEO of Jennifer Caryn Brand Nutrition LLC. Jennifer helps children with dry, flaky, weepy, red, itchy, painful rashes navigate the journey to healthy skin and enjoy a childhood free from disruptive skin symptoms.

Instead of managing symptoms with more diet restrictions, environmental changes, and prescription creams, Jennifer uses functional testing and a detailed health history to uncover unique imbalances at the heart of the problem and provides a roadmap to restore balance so that your child can eat more foods, feel good in their skin, regain normalcy, and be a child.

Jennifer is a relentless detective, putting her strong knowledge of nutritional biochemistry to work for you to identify what’s driving symptoms and health problems in order to address the root cause of them.

Jennifer is a faculty member of LearnSkin, and her work has been featured in peer-reviewed scientific journals, Voyagela, as well as on podcasts, online summits, and in-person presentations at venues such as Casa Colina Hospital in California.

The Problem with Restrictive Diets

One of the main recommendations for children with skin issues is to remove certain foods from their diet. Jennifer explains why this is not a good approach. While restrictive diets might provide some temporary relief, they can also cause a lot of harm. We discuss how this approach can lead to strained parent-child relationships, disordered eating, and other dietary problems.

With this in mind, Jennifer looks for the root causes of skin issues. Often this is found in the gut, which also houses most of the immune system. If there’s a problem in the gut, you can’t properly digest your food and detox your body. An inability to detox often shows up in the skin.


Taking a Comprehensive Healing Approach

To truly heal your child’s skin problem, Jennifer wants you to look at the complete picture. One-off solutions, like just focusing on the diet or environment, will have very limited results. Yet, by examining root cause issues, like nutrient deficiencies, we can figure out what it takes to properly heal.

To help your child develop healthy skin, Jennifer wants you to provide them with a non-restrictive diet. The more variety of healthy foods that they can get, the better. If problems continue, check out their gut health and factors that could be causing stress. The more you understand what’s going on, the better prepared you’ll be to take proper healing action.

How can you expand your child’s diet for healing rather than restrict it? Leave a comment below!


Got a question you’d love to hear me answer on the show? Leave me a voice message here!



  • How Jennifer’s own story created a desire to help children with chronic skin problems [4:00]
  • Why elimination diets are not a good solution for children [11:25]
  • Why problems in the skin often start in the gut [13:30]
  • How young children get gut and skin issues to begin with [21:55]
  • The connection between the mother and the child’s health [34:50]
  • Three things you can do right now to help your child develop healthier skin [41:10]



“Food is not the enemy and not the root cause of the problem.” [6:14]

“My ultimate goal is to help children when they’re young enough that a few years out they don’t remember that they had skin issues…. I want children to be children and have full rich lives and really enjoy childhood.” [9:25]

“Children need fuel. Food is fuel. Those nutrients do everything. They build every structure in the body. They nourish the body. Kids are like little athletes; they’re growing and developing.” [11:47]

“Eat! Expand the diet. Don’t restrict the diet.” [41:22]



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FREE Guide – The Probiotic Mistake You’re Making That’s Flaring Your Child’s Rashes

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