
Chicken Satay Salad

chicken satay
I'm Laura

I help nutrition entrepreneurs grow their income and their impact by packaging their brilliance into transformative coaching and consulting programs, and get crystal clear on their marketing strategy.

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Happy Thursday, friend!

This week I’m sharing my most popular Instagram post EVER.

(Not joking, this post got close to 1500 likes, and I’ve never even broken 1000 before!)

So it seems like it touched a nerve in a lot of you. Or at least made you think hard about your mindset around food and nutrition. And that’s why I wanted to share it with today’s recipe post!

Here’s the image, and the most important part – the CAPTION – is below…

“This meal is unhealthy.

White potatoes “aren’t Paleo.”

Whole30 would say there’s sugar in that organic ketchup.

Vegans will be horrified by the red meat.

Weston Pricers will be mad that my burger isn’t grass fed.

Real foodies will tsk tsk about the fries coming pre-made from a freezer bag.

The USDA will be concerned about how much saturated fat and sodium is in the meal.

Keto promoters won’t even know where to start. (Are green beans a carb?)

The IIFYM crowd won’t appreciate that I didn’t weigh and measure my portion sizes.

The intuitive eaters will be unhappy that I skipped the bun so as not to overdo the refined carbs and calories.

My point? No matter WHAT you eat someone could make an argument that it’s not healthy. You’ll never eat a perfect diet no matter how hard you try.

I encourage you to learn what’s right for YOUR unique body, and what foods make you feel your best. Not just physically but mentally and emotionally.

Now excuse me while I enjoy my yummy “unhealthy” dinner. 😉”

How does this post make you feel? Share your comments and feedback below!

And here’s the #FedForReal recipe of the week! 🙂

Fed For Real
Recipe of the week:


“Satay” is is a dish of seasoned, skewered and grilled meat, served with a peanut flavored sauce. This dish is inspired by Southeast Asia, and satay is popular in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.

Homemade Asian-inspired dishes are one of the most flavorful ways to enrich your diet with phytonutrients. These bioactive plant compounds are known for their beneficial health properties such as fighting oxidative damage, reducing inflammation and promoting healthy gut function.

This chicken satay recipe boasts a number of phytonutrient-rich ingredients including garlic, ginger, cilantro, lime, mango, carrots and leafy greens. It’s super simple to cook as well!

Get more great macro balanced recipes like this – along with shopping guides and meal planning tips – in our 14 Day Calorie Challenge!

chicken satay

chicken Satay Salad

Prep time: 10 min / Cook time: 40 min / Total time: 50 minutes


1 serving = 692 calories, 26g fat, 45g protein, 74g carbs, 9g fiber


  • 40z (56g) 100% Buckwheat noodles
  • ¼ cup crunchy natural Peanut Butter (use almond, sunflower or cashew butter if sensitive to peanuts)
  • ¼ cup Coconut milk, full fat
  • 3 TB Fish Sauce
  • 1/2 Tsp ground Turmeric
  • 2 tsp Coconut Sugar or Raw Honey
  • 1 tsp Coconut aminos or Tamari
  • 1 Tsp grated Ginger
  • 5 Cilantro roots and leaves
  • 8 oz (220g) organic/pastured Chicken breast, diced
  • Bamboo skewers, soaked in water
  • 1 Lime, juiced
  • 2 Garlic Cloves, crushed
  • 2 cups Snow Peas or sugar snap peas, sliced
  • 2 Carrots, julienned
  • 1.5 cups fresh Mango, sliced (alternatives – pineapple or papaya)
  • 3 cups Mixed leafy greens / spring mix lettuce
  • Extra cilantro and limes to serve (optional)


  1. Cook buckwheat noodles as per label instructions, drain and set aside.
  2. To make the satay sauce, combine the peanut butter, coconut milk, 1 Tb of fish sauce, turmeric, 1 tsp of sugar/honey, coconut aminos, ginger and cilantro in a blender or food processor until smooth. Marinate the chicken in the satay sauce for at least 15 minutes (or longer) in the fridge.
  3. While chicken is marinating, combine the remaining 2 TB of fish sauce, sugar, lime juice and garlic in a small bowl. Set aside.
  4. Combine the snow peas, carrots, mango, leafy greens and buckwheat noodles in a large bowl. Pour over the lime juice mixture and toss.
  5. Thread the chicken pieces onto wet bamboo skewers in even amounts. Heat a grill or skillet to medium and cook the chicken, rotating the skewers until cooked through. Remove from heat.
  6. Serve half the recipe topped with half the chicken skewers, fresh cilantro and a wedge of lime.

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I'm a women's health expert and a registered dietitian (RD) with a passion for helping goal-oriented people fuel their purpose.

I help nutrition entrepreneurs grow their income and their impact by packaging their brilliance into transformative coaching and consulting programs, and get crystal clear on their marketing strategy.

I'm on a mission to help nutrition business owners drop the hustle and come into alignment with their ideal business goals, so they can work from a sense of ease and abundance, and build the online business of their dreams. 

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